For Russia, war with the United States never ended — and likely never will
By: John Keller
Link to the article that is referenced:
Gerasimov’s statements shouldn’t be taken lightly or as just rhetoric. As we look at how Russia has conducted warfare during the 21st century, much is revealed as to their doctrine of how they conduct war, their philosophy not only the conduct of warfare, but also how they apply those definitions. What many are calling “hybrid” warfare, is in all reality their next generation warfare.
Actions within the information environment indicate that information warfare can and will be conducted by adversaries. It is successful in large part because many actions have not been clearly defined as constituting an “act of war” in the conventional sense. So, adversaries are pushing the boundaries to conduct warfare against the U.S. that is short of armed conflict. Information warfare, influence warfare, economic warfare, are all aspects of conducting warfare against an adversary that is short of armed conflict and often is within the grey area of what is conventionally defined as “war”.
What are your thoughts? Has the nature of warfare changed and evolved?