Info of 27.7 million Texas drivers exposed in Vertafore data breach
By: Catalin Cimapanu
Link to article referenced: https://zd.net/2IJgPjm
In October 2020, M20 provided a report on probable intelligence regarding a breach of Texas Drivers Licenses. This was originally dismissed by some local enforcement agencies, due to the fact they were not notified. Vertafore a provider of insurance software, has disclosed this week a data breach, admitting that a third-party accessed the details of 27.7 million Texas drivers. This occurred between March 11 and August 1 due to a human error, when three data files were inadvertently stored in an unsecured external storage service. The files were discovered that were accessed without authorization. The three files contained information on driver's licenses issued before February 2019, which the company was using for its insurance rating software solution. The exposed data included Texas driver license numbers, names, dates of birth, addresses, and vehicle registration histories.
Read our report here: https://www.m20associates.com/post/texas_dl_databreach